
Organisations with 50 or more employees should have a Works Council, according to the Works Councils Act (WOR). Through the Works Council, employees can contribute to the performance of an organisation. The Works Council has influence on many aspects of an organisation. This is called co-determination. This can be executed through the right of consultation and assent, for instance in case of reorganisations, mergers and acquisitions, the harmonization of employment terms or adjustments of leave allowance or pension schemes. The consequences of the Works Council’s decisions can be drastic for both employer and employees in an organisation.

Fender Advocaten employs specialised employment law lawyers with ample experience in the field of co-determination law. We can assist you in setting up co-determination and drawing up the necessary documents. We also assist employers and Works Councils about legal obligations regarding rights of consultation and assent, and we provide assistance in legal procedures if needed.

Follow Fender Advocaten on LinkedIn or feel free to contact Lars Claassens or No Mauer for an introduction.

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